Post 9: The Reality of the VAERS Injuries Keeps Piling Up - Data Up to Dec 2022
At this point, they are complicit. Don't believe their lies. Hold them accountable.
As Dr. Peter McCullough has pointed out before, the Bradford Hill criteria for causation have been met…in spades (in Rumble video). The Hill criteria are used to help establish epidemiologic evidence of a causal relationship between a presumed cause and an observed effect. These criteria were instrumental in linking smoking with increased cancer risks in the U.S. during the Congressional inquiries over the tobacco and cigarette producers. The criteria are nine in total. All have been met for the gene altering bioweapons, sold as vaccines.
Strength (effect size): A small association does not mean that there is not a causal effect, though the larger the association, the more likely that it is causal. VAERS has an under-reporting factor (10 X-41 X as discussed by Dr. Jessica Rose). The effect size is large, but because of the structural impediments in reporting deaths and injuries, these data have to be inferred. Ed Dowd has identified a reliable database (insurance actuarial reports) of increase deaths in a population that should not be experiencing excess deaths (Humanity Project).
Consistency (reproducibility): Consistent findings observed by different persons in different places with different samples strengthens the likelihood of an effect. Again, you have to be blind and biased not to see how the pattern occurs. The work at How Bad is My Batch clearly demonstrates “hot lots” that can be placed in different regions. “Hot lots” do not mean that other batches do not produce later injuries. The number of studies looking into the clinical and real-world outcomes is now in the > 1,200 peer-reviewed articles.
Specificity: Causation is likely if there is a very specific population at a specific site and disease with no other likely explanation. The more specific an association between a factor and an effect is, the bigger the probability of a causal relationship. The S-protein (spike protein) is the mechanism that induces clots, inflammation, direct-cell death, myocarditis and immune dysfunction. The mechanism of action of the spike protein is established and known. Young and healthy people are experiencing cardiac issues at a higher than normal rate.
Temporality: The effect has to occur after the cause (and if there is an expected delay between the cause and expected effect, then the effect must occur after that delay). There is a very short delay between taking a jab and deaths and injuries. The increased deaths and disability reported to VAERS occur only after the EUA roll-out of the gene altering bioweapons (the figures will show the effects). EudraVigilance (European Medical Agency) and Yellow Card (U.K.) are showing similar temporal patterns.
Biological gradient (dose–response relationship): Greater exposure should generally lead to greater incidence of the effect. However, in some cases, the mere presence of the factor can trigger the effect. The more shots you take, the more likely you are to suffer an adverse event or your immune system will begin to fail.
Plausibility: A plausible mechanism between cause and effect is helpful (but Hill noted that knowledge of the mechanism is limited by current knowledge). This is well described in hundreds of peer-reviewed papers - S-protein is highly toxic and produces clots, inflammation and direct injury from the S-protein.
Coherence: Coherence between epidemiological and laboratory findings increases the likelihood of an effect. However, Hill noted that "lack of such [laboratory] evidence cannot nullify the epidemiological effect on associations". Dear Lord, we have sooo much data that supports a link between epidemiological and laboratory data.
Experiment: "Occasionally it is possible to appeal to experimental evidence". Check…we have the lab data on how the Pfizer and ModeRNA gene altering bioweapons affect mice, rats and cells.
Analogy: The use of analogies or similarities between the observed association and any other associations.
VAERS is a passive, post-marketing pharmacovigilance system in the U.S. The vast majority of doctors, nurses, physician’ assistant’s and technicians are unaware of the existence of this system and the need to report vaccine injuries (proven or suspected).
The idea that there was a reporting bias to account for the large increase in the observed number or reports is non-sensical handwaving by the CDC and FDA. The idea that there was a concerted push by vaccine awareness and health freedom groups to push the health care providers to report to VAERS is a Conspiracy Theory™ that needs to be left up to the experts to fully develop…like the experts at the C.I.A or the Army Psychological Operations Group.
Doctors have been discouraged to report vaccine injuries in the military and by civilian hospitals [Canada, too]. The list of published andd peer-reviewed papers on injuries is now well into the thousands (no repeats or double counts on this list).
The level of reported deaths in VAERS is truly astonishing. Open VAERS is the premier reporting site for VAERS data related to the jabs and has a more detailed reporting structure than I do. I drew the data for the graphs I am displaying here directly from the CDC Wonder system. Wonder has a way of making searches less transparent on their site. Open VAERS draws the data directly from the database and runs its own search algorithm. Please consider getting on Open VAERS e-mailing list.
Figure 1
From top-left to top-right (Figure 1) we have the reported deaths by age and time of reporting for age groups below 65 years of age. The top-left graph is from a young population (under 18 years of age). The numbers are low, probably due to the delay in releasing the bioweapon to this demographic (< 6 months to 17 years). The top-right, we start seeing an age dependent increase in deaths, with deaths increasing as age increases. The timing of deaths is greatest after the November/December 2020 roll-out with the EUA mandated Pfizer and ModeRNA bioweapons. Prior to the roll out, deaths averaged about 20 deaths per month, all ages. Then the number of reports shoots up to an average of ~600 per month. This is not a small signal (30X increase!!)…and follows the reduction in the number of bioweapon shots after 2022.
Figure 2
Now we move to myocarditis (Figure 2). We see an inverse relationship between age and myocardial damage. The two most affected groups are the 6-17 year old and 18-29 year old groups. These are the most physically active age cohorts, stressing their cardiovascular system more frequently. The evidence is increasingly being shown front and center, as catalogued and referenced by Ed Dowd in his Causes Unknown.
The youngest in the population are being damaged for life at a rate that HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN…EVER. Myocarditis at this rate has not been seen with SARs-Cov-2, which has not been deadly or causing near the number of myocardial injuries that the seasonal influenza has shown. Death or injury from SARs-Cov-2 is at or below 3 in 1,000,000 children (0-18 years of age).
Figure 3
Strokes - in 6 to 29 years old age group (Figure 3) . The numbers are so far off the scale that it is ridiculous that it is not triggering any concerns at FDA. There is a concerted effort to normalize stroke and cardiac injuries, with the b#**$#it story, just coming out, that stroke season comes after flu season! No, really, see here and here (Harvard is always good for the gaslight), of course, the ever reliable fact-checkers here. Never mind that the stroke spike was so miniscule (see the LA time article from 1986 that Poynter quotes) that it is the difference between 60 strokes during May-Jan and 80 strokes from Feb-April (flu season in Pennsylvania!). The data on influenza and stroke is not well-established, with uncontrolled variables (age, comorbidities, medication, etc…) not accounted for in many of the studies. Go figure.
We see a MASSIVE increase in stroke reports from VAERS (Figure 3) that only start coming in after the bioweapon roll-out. There are no other equivalent stroke reports OF THIS MAGNITUDE at any time before January 2021. Here is a close up (Figure 4) of the actual number of strokes that were reported to VAERS in 2018 to 2020 (the numbers hold steady from 2010 to 2018, take my word for it…or not). I have adjusted the graph to highlight the scale of the signal.
Figure 4
So, who are you gonna believe? CDC/Pfizer/FDA/HHS or your lying eyes?
Hold these people accountable and keep your eyes in the DoD.
great article!