Post 26: Scientism and Public Health As A PsyOp
The scientific method and access to cheap energy led to the growth of our current civilization. This came to an end in the 1970’s. We are now in the age of Scientism as part of a larger Psy-Op.
Scientism (noun) - sci·en·tism ˈsī-ən-ˌti-zəm
1. methods and attitudes typical of or attributed to the natural scientist
2. an exaggerated trust in the efficacy of the methods of natural science applied to all areas of investigation (as in philosophy, the social sciences, and the humanities)
My Definition: Scientism (noun) –
3. the use of the trappings, technologies, institutions and personalities in the scientific community to impart a patina of authority and unassailability to concepts, policies and paradigms surrounding biology, medicine, physics or technology.
Paradigm Lost – Better to Reign in Ignorance than To Serve in Truth
I have been involved with various researchers and scientific pioneers in biology, physics and chemistry. Their work has demonstrated gaping holes in the fields that they work in, revealing the deficits in the current models of each of the fields. It’s not the that the current frameworks don’t provide utility…they are just incomplete or reflect a small pocket of reality. They provide limited utility compared to a broader and more complete model (or paradigm) that could improve the predictive power. Layer in economic and social forces to the mix and you have a system that resists change. (if it ain’t broke and it makes someone money, why change it?)
Fractional reserve, debt-based banking is an example of an economic and financial paradigm. It useful (to manage payments, lending, finance) but it comes with a significant cost – interest, inflation and centralization of monetary policy. Other monetary paradigms exits…yet they are not used or talked about widely – although there is a vast and complete historical analysis that shows how well it worked and can still work. Remember, all models (or in this case, paradigms) are wrong. Some are useful. Some are more useful to particular groups of people at the cost to the vast majority. Sound familiar?
Let’s keep this line of though (monetary theory and policy) for a later time. (Better yet, go to and read their library of information!)
Many of the people and groups that have uncovered new data that do not fit the current paradigm worked in these related areas had five things in common:
1. They came from a mainstream education and graduate or vocational training.
2. They were taught and learned from educators from the 1940-60’s.
3. They are highly innovative and independent.
4. High ethical and professional integrity.
5. They are universally ignored and actively shunned.
The work that they have done and continue to do runs counter to the current paradigms in the various fields that they work in and could alter the development of medicine, biology, physics and chemistry. Yet, their work and ideas have been ignored for decades, deliberately (and/or ignorantly) starved from funding by their peers.
In order to propagate new ideas, you need new blood. In many cases, new students or newly minted academic researchers are steered away by advisors that are biased against the new ideas that are being explored.
It doesn’t require a deliberate conspiracy to stifle innovation…just enough people at the top to decide the direction of a field (either by ego or by an actual conspiracy) and for those below them to get the message. Human nature then ensure that mavericks and innovators have a really hard time to get ahead.
Researchers like Dr. Gilbert Ling, Dr. Albert Szent-Győrgi and Dr. Gerald Pollack have devoted time and resources on exploring the critical nature of cellular water and the centrality to understanding water as used by biological systems. Intuitively, if we understand water, we understand biology at its most fundamental level, including the treatment of all diseases – including aging. For those that want to dip a toe in this field, A Midwestern Doctor has a great summary/intro on the subject. BEWARE! The subject is a lot deeper than you realize…I should know, I used to work in Jerry Pollack’s lab.
A line of Nafion (on a glass slide) can generate a region of exclusion zone water (ordered water) that pushes small plastic beads (5 microns in diameter) from the surface. There is no pump or electric current applied in this recorded experiment. It is the ordering of water (an EZ layer) at the surface of the Nafion line that causes the motion to occur.
“Water, the Hub of Life. Water is its mater and matrix, mother and medium. Water is the most extraordinary substance! Practically all its properties are anomolous, which enabled life to use it as building material for its machinery. Life is water dancing to the tune of solids.”
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
The development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was predicated on the idea that water inside of cells has a shorter relaxation time than bulk water (water you drink). Organs have distinct relaxation times that allow for computer algorithms to render as images. Cancer tumors have higher water content (less ordered water) than normal tissues, making them distinguishable from healthy organs. Although much of what is taught as the theory of cell function has changed over the years, the idea of cells as being little bags of water is no longer defensible as a teaching model. Cells are gels and the plasma membrane is not a structural component separating the inside of the cell from the outside. Water is rendered a very different material inside of cells.
The basis of the MRI technology was Gilbert Ling’s Association Induction hypothesis (AIH), developed in 1962 by rigorous biophysical, biochemical and modeling research. Yet, this critical piece of work is roundly ignored and most definitely NOT taught in medicine or biology. Sacred cows had to be sparred, as the AIH rendered the idea of sodium pumps, ion channels and the true role of ATP (the basic unit of energy in cells) in a completely new light. It has the potential to upend the current pharma paradigm.
“... Thus there must be some very comprehensive and basic principles at the molecular level that underlie and illuminate all the special manifestations of living systems. Ling offers no less than such a general molecular theory of life phenomena. "
Professor Ralph W. Gerard, Department of Physiology, University of Chicago
The work in fundamental cell biology and water biophysics is a microcosm of what has rendered the current academic/industrial/federal complex a Goliath that has been trained to hone the edge of the blade, but to not look to make anything other than a blade.
As we have learned from the Day Tapes, claims of effective cancer treatments have been kept secret – The King of All Maladies is a huge moneymaker for the medical/pharmaceutical industry. Columbia University, the nexus of the Rockefeller medical paradigm that we live under, appears to curate a great deal of data on cancer cures. If such information exists, it may point to a very different understanding of biology than what we currently possess. This is not new, as researcher like Royal Rife (Rife Machine) and Ruth B. Drown (Radio-Vision Instruments) had developed techniques for imaging biological tissues, microscopic organisms and treating diseases with radio waves (pulsing or alternating magnetic fields), including all cancer types. Very little of their work survives, having been buried and sued into near-oblivion and ridiculed at every turn.
The period from 1870-1950’s saw the most incredible burst of innovation and economic advancement for the past 12,000 years. Economic expansion, brought about by coal and steam engines, produced an investment in research at the private level that produced a positive feed-back loop. New ideas were explored openly and shared widely. Very few ideas and concepts were off-limits. Some of the ideas that were explored would seem far-fetched, ignorant or WOO WOO today. Is that by design, by reason or by accident? The only way to know is to dig back and explore those ideas again.
Internal combustion engines, electrical power, telegraphy, telephony, television, heavier than air flight, rocketry, satellites, public sanitation works, clean water, antibiotics and integrated circuits exploded forth in a mere 80 years. These ideas and developments are the foundation of the world we live in now, yet the fundamentals that shape our world are no more different than the world that existed in the 1930’s. One would think that the innovative burst would carry on for longer. The concepts of the internet and space flight have been around for more than 100 years.
The breakthroughs in technology, due to the development of basic science and engineering, have slowed significantly since the 1950’s and came to a dead-stop in the 1970’s. In reality, we are living off of the burst of innovation from that time period. No major conceptual breakthroughs have occurred or been released from the academic and private sectors. The innovation and economic growth have been dependent on increased efficiency in information management (computers and networks) and in efficient energy use (transportation, reduced man-power in food production, urbanization).
Billions of dollars of funding via The National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Department of Defense (DOD) and Nuclear Energy Administration (NEA) (just to name the big ones) has developed a federalized system for allocating dollars to researchers, in effect controlling the type of research that is done in the United States and the world. While the researchers are allowed to pursue their ideas, they are constrained to a narrow window of acceptable outcomes and areas. No wonder we have not seen the same pace of further development in science and engineering that we saw in the 1880-1930’s.
This is by design.
Concepts and work on new energy sources, novel propulsion (anti-gravity & space-time manipulation), psychic phenomenon (remote viewing) and near-death experience (NDE) have only taken a foothold in modern research (1950 forward) via private sources, independent funding or military/intelligence (black budget) spending. It is the military/intelligence budgets that we need to watch very closely, as the insiders have access to information and technology that is likely decades ahead of what we currently possess. I lumped in areas of research that are seen as woo-woo, but there is an extensive and well catalogued interest in all of the listed topics by the federal three letter agencies. There is a reason for that…
Oh…and if you are connected to the Federal budget, you have a near-infinite amount of money for R&D, secrecy and control of information. Ask President Eisenhower about how that has gone.
Having not seen the full speech until now, it is striking how it reflects our times now.
Controlling the Game
Just recently (10/7/2023), Jacob Nordangård wrote an excellent and concise history of the Club of Rome and how the interlocking network of money, academia, industry and ideology formed the modern Green Agenda: CO2 (and Humans) as the New Sin and Peak Oil as the counter paradigm.
In his post, he outlined how different NGO’s and academics set down the intellectual and financial framework that positioned policies within the EU to adopt and enforce the Green Agenda. At the time, just around the 2000’s, the idea that the world (especially the US) was reaching a maximal production of liquid petroleum was a big push to move towards a Green Agenda. As Nordangård himself pointed out, the whole idea of Peak Oil was being sold as an apocalyptical, civilization ending phenomenon that would usher the end of Western civilization. Nuclear power was being phased out and made taboo. “Green” energy options were being pushed as the only solution.
But as he learned more, he realized that not everything was on the up-and-up. Why, if we were facing such a sharp drop-off in “fossil” fuels, was the same set of organizations pushing the Carbon Neutral, Green Agenda? It seems that one takes care of the other, doesn’t it? No Oil, no Klausmate…errr..I mean Climate Crisis. In reality, attacking the energy use on both side served to control the center:
“Global management of the planet and zero growth were prescribed as the grand solutions. These solutions have since been repeated over and over in reports to the Club of Rome such as Mankind at the Turning Point (1974), Reshaping the International Order (1976), Goals for Mankind (1977), The First Global Revolution (1991), Bankrupting Nature (2011), and the latest, Earth for All (2022).”
Jacob Nordangård (The Pharohs Chronicle)
All of these groups were working in coordination, setting up a global governance board that rules by technocracy and without borders - a One World Government. In order to achieve this aim environmental degradation, climate change, social polarization, and terrorism were to be used for the transformation (as one strategy). Controlling the media and popular culture were essential tools. As Werner Von Braun revealed to Carol Rosin, there would be an escalation of “concerns” that would focus the world’s attention on communists, rogue nations, terrorists, asteroids and…get this (this is not a joke)…alien invasion as the final hand they would play. Well, I guess tossing in a plandemic was wild card they needed.
So, how does Dr. Nordangård fit into this agenda? As part of his dissertation, Dr. Nordangård looked into the historical and economic basis of biofuels in Europe. Turns out that the rationale for using and developing biofuels was based mainly on diverting funds into the private sector and to act as a Trojan Horse for the Green Agenda. What really got Dr. Nordangård in trouble was his meticulous and comprehensive mapping of the various people and organizations that were leveraging the EU Parliament to cement policies and funds to decouple Europe from “fossil'“ fuels- the Club of Rome was a nexus for all these people and Anders Wikjam was the front man leading the charge.
Because of the quality of the dissertation and the source it was coming from (a major Swedish University), Mr. Wikjam (allegedly…wink, wink) tried to scuttle Dr. Nordangård’s dissertation by intervening in the grading committees decisions. He failed.
But the one trait that is shared by members of the Club of Rome (and those funded and guided by the Rockefeller ethos) is not to give up and try, try again. If you can’t stop an idea, try and destroy the reputation of the individual that gave birth to it.
“Some colleagues stopped talking to me and the climate suddenly became very chilly at my institution. Half of my department was outraged. The press department didn’t publish any press release as customary, as they deemed the dissertation “too controversial”, and my former supervisor made a public declaration that he would never have approved a thesis like mine. One of the press officers, a Greenpeace activist, wrote on her blog (widely read by environmental science students) that she was ashamed that the university had let my thesis pass.”
“Their combined efforts did, however, backfire as the interest in my work instead skyrocketed.”
Jacob Nordangård (The Pharohs Chronicle)
Now, another important feature of global management is the control over resources, especially energy. The lynchpin for all economic development is low-cost, high-density and portable energy: coal, natural gas, gasoline, diesel & kerosene. These are highly controlled, infrastructure intensive and come from geologic sources. Perfect for controlling access.
The only problem and nightmare scenario for our scientific dictators/“Principalities and The Rulers and The Powers of this dark world” is if humans gained access to a completely new form of energy that is readily available, portable, low-cost and high-density. The ramifications across economic, social, technological and geopolitical arenas would be as staggering as they are unpredictable.
But controls are in place to keep the genie in the bottle. The genie is the scientific method…and the bottle is money.
"As We May Think"
Vannevar Bush is among the most critical figures in American history. You may not have heard of him, but he is having a very direct influence in your life today.
He led the management of the program for the Manhattan Project (Atomic bomb development). He was Oppenheimer’s boss.
Managed and directed the entire federal US R&D effort during WWII.
Instrumental in the creation of the National Science Foundation and for the direct support by the Federal government of pure an applied science. His letter Science, The Endless Frontier, laid the ground work.
Directed a secret UFO study group within the U.S. Research and Development Board, as documented by Stanton Friedman in his book "Top Secret/Majic" (Marlowe & Company, New York, NY 1996).
Does this mean that Vannevar Bush was part of a grand conspiracy to misdirect or direct researchers away from “forbidden” areas? Not necessarily. Bush was opposed to the introduction of Nazi scientists into the U.S. under Project Paperclip, concerned they were potentially a danger to democracy (was this guy psychic, too?).
Bush believed in a strong national defense and the role that scientific research played in it. Interviewed on his 80th birthday he expressed reservations about the arms race he had helped to create. “I do think the military is too big now—- I think we’ve overdone putting bases all over the world.”
Once an agency gets created, the bureaucrats, federal employees and members of the Senior Executive Services can have a hand in directing the actual mission of the agency. Now, the NIH and the myriad of institutes that are funded under this umbrella (including NIST and the Nuclear Energy Administration) are off-shoots of what this one man oversaw and created. What was started as an effort to direct resources efficiently towards a war effort has evolved into a method of controlling the development of technology and scientific focus.
Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent annually for R&D in the sciences, but that does not include R&D for black budget or military research. The bulk of R&D goes to universities and private research groups, subsidizing institutes of higher education. Currently, NIH and other funding agencies assign priority areas, where there is perceived or real need for focused research.
There are funding mechanisms for individual scientists to go outside the painted line, but they need to pass the gauntlet of peer-review - other scientists will decide if the idea is good enough or has merit. Additionally, you need to have a fairly detailed plan for doing the research. Now, if you are doing something very novel or what appears utterly outside the established norms…you will not get funded.
A Case Study of How New Ideas are Controlled - Cold Fusion
In 1989, Dr. Martin Fleischman and Dr. Stanley Pons (both world-class electrochemists) announced and published the paper entitled “Electrochemically Induced Nuclear Fusion of Deuterium”, J. Electroanal. Chem. 261 (1989) 301. This short title was almost immediately bastardized by the popular press as “Cold Fusion”.
A little background. Dr. Fleischman was a British trained electrochemist (he died on 3 August 2012). A brief highlight of his accomplishments are listed:
Secretary/Treasurer of the International Society of Electrochemistry (1964–1967)
President of the International Society of Electrochemistry (1973–1974)
Electrochemistry and Thermodynamics Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry (1979)
Fellowship of the Royal Society (1985)
Olin Palladium Medal of the Electrochemical Society (1986)
This guy was as far away from bush-league as you could get.
Dr. Stanley Pons is another world-class electrochemist, having developed a method for analyzing the spectra of chemical reactions on the surface of an electrode - no easy task. Dr. Fleischman suffered no fools, so for Pons to work with Fleischman he had to be genuinely a cut-above.
Both worked on how to catalyze a reaction, in a wet cell, to create fusion (or something equivalent). This was not an off-the-cuff idea. Both were deeply enmeshed in developing and using the theory and mathematics of quantum chromo-dynamic (QCD) to develop the basis for their work.
The whole cold fusion debacle is a case example of what happens when a new idea challenges the sand-box of the hot fusion physicists (and the carbon-fuel industry). The best and most concise (and accurate) history of what really happened can be found at these two websites:
In nutshell, the Department of Energy sponsored and funded attempt by various research groups to replicate the results of Fleischman and Pons. MIT, Harvard, Yale, CalTech and many other academic and federal labs spent months attempting to replicate the results. There was a deliberate and coordinated campaign to kill this line of research, even after several labs demonstrated that there was excess heat produced that was not due to a chemical reaction. Dr. Eugene Mallove wrote a detailed and damming report of the whole debacle (Fire from Ice), in which he demonstrates how several scientists from MIT hid results that confirmed the “cold fusion” claims.
In 1996, nuclear chemist Edmund Storms, wrote a summary analysis on all the evidence that had been gathered at the time.
“The claims for anomalous energy production using electrolysis of heavy water have been evaluated and found to have a high probability of being caused by a novel phenomenon. In addition, the most likely source of the heat is a nuclear reaction which produces helium. This nuclear reaction is not normal fusion and it does not follow the rules required by conventional theory. Numerous models have been proposed to explain the observations, but none at the present time can account for all of the reported behaviors. More work is required to determine which of the behaviors are part of this novel phenomenon and which can be explained by ordinary processes. However, the claims have now reached a level of understanding which justifies a reexamination of the published work and attention by the scientific community.”
We are now well over 30 years since the announcement of “cold fusion”, but the message in the popular media is the following: it is pseudo-science. Yet, all the evidence demonstrates that it is real, it can be made to work and could be a boon to a real alternative energy industry (solar, wind and geothermal are pipe-dreams that have been promoted by the Powers-That-Be; they are net-negative energy and low quality).
Most of the work that has been done in this field have received almost zero federal dollars. Plenty of other alternatives have been stopped and starved out of funding and researchers run out of the field (Sonofusion, Z-Pinch, SAFIRE, hydrino theory , etc…). Plenty of folks are still developing the theory into a technology - some are there, ready for commercialization - others are dangerously close to finishing the final mile to commercialization, not just in cold fusion. Military research and private industry work have been done to develop several of these new energy systems into practical use…yet we do not hear about it. If the federal government had allocated 10% of the Manhattan project funds to investigate all of these phenomenon, we would have a drastically different world. But, it would have crippled the Green Agenda (the real real agenda) by taking away one of the major control choke points of the WEF agenda - Klausmate Change and Population control.
Instead, there has been 30 years to identify, isolate, support (or attack) groups and individuals with the ability and drive to develop these technologies. Buying up companies and patents is far easier (and cheaper) than doing it yourself. At the same time, allowing the die-hards and visionaries to take all the risks, limits the exposure of private and public entities from developing a paper-trail and seeing the game that is played. Keeping it private allows for warehousing of technology and/or development of a hidden, parallel economy that can result in a break away civilization.
In the end, this is a case study not on scientific controversy, but on narrative and technology control. The ability to significantly transition off of carbon fuels is a bigger development than the steam engine or nuclear power. If you have cheap, abundant and portable energy for everyone, you have a world that you cannot control anymore. And the Mother-WEFers are all about control - they are all about the creation of the ultimate technocratic/communist/totalitarian/mark-of-the-beast/Ahrimanic system.
There is a full-on drive to privatize and consolidate every aspect of energy generation and energy transmission (see - A 21st-Century Approach to Energy with Charlie Stephens). For the past 30 years, there has been a concerted effort to limit the growth of carbon fuels, either by limiting investments in new drill sites, by EPA regulations, by federal land limitations, by ESG policies, by U.N. local regulation adoptions (thank you, Rosa Koire. Rest In Peace)…you name it. This is all part and parcel of a business plan…or several business plans…otherwise know as a conspiracy.
If you control energy, you control the world and how the world develops. That’s the secret of money and how to keep the genie in a bottle.
Oh…and the real reasons the governments of the world had to keep the UFO question from the grasp of independent scientists was two fold:
UFOs don’t run on diesel (a novel energy source is required by default).
Governments needed the public to see them as the arbiters of reality. They needed to be seen as experts. This in turn required the experts to ridicule the reality of UFOs.
The reality of UFOs presented both a challenge and an opportunity to key players at the national and global stage. If you could back-engineer crashed craft (Roswell and Aztec, New Mexico and Cape Gerardo, Missouri - all in the 1940s), you could get a huge jump in technology - especially in power generation systems.
Alternatively, it could also allow you develop certain propaganda scenarios and methods to control the population through fear and hope.
The Larger Psychological Operation
Damn. I have to get better at arriving at my point.
But you need to have a framework of where we started and how we got here.
Energy is at the crux of the problem we are facing. The Central Banking and Warfare model is a system that destroys economic productivity by its very nature. The only way that it can work is if there is a constant growth of the economic system. But by the very nature of the central banking debt model, the system assumes that there is a hard limit. In order to keep a system like that from collapsing in short order, it requires the application of corruption and theft in order to keep the illusion that the system works (The American Tapeworm). We are in the final stages of the global dollar hegemony, which has already begun to be felt. It’s going to get a lot worse. The only other option is absolute control over
People mention that all of this could have been avoided, but I don’t believe so. It would have required giving up control by Mr. Global/GloboCap/The Monster/The Powers That Be and unraveling the myriad of ways that we have been manipulated. It could have been kept going by allowing or promoting the development of these new energy sources. They may still do it, as Catherine Austin Fitts believes the end game to be, but before the release these new energy systems, they need to have a much tighter and greater control grid. Can’t let the plebes create their own future with the Master’s Tools.
One of the methods that THEY have developed in order to manipulate the public and keep us distracted is the elevation of the EXPERT as the arbiter of reality and truth. In the early 1930’s (in some cases, even earlier), the scientist was elevated as an enlightened pursuer of truth, devoid of personal ambition. At the same time, there was the dark-twin that was presented: the amoral, power driven manipulator of nature. This created a tension of sorts, placing scientists in a position of power - men capable of creating paradise or raining destruction on the world.
Physicists and doctors became the go-to people when facing a crisis or trying to solve societal problems. You needed EXPERTS to tell you about the world and to convince you that the plans that were being discussed were looked at by serious and impartial experts.
Don’t worry your pretty little heads off, children. Daddy expert has taken care of it…besides, you wouldn’t understand. It is too high above your intellectual capacity.
Although experts were pushed forward to sell certain ideas (Tony Fauci anyone?), and it was done successfully for many years, other technically capable folks rose up and began to push back. The development of the internet has allowed for easier access to information and for effective countering of scientism by people schooled in logic, reason and the proper application of the scientific method. The use of the EXPERT is an appeal to authority - a logical fallacy.
An excellent example of a Master fighting other EXPERTs is Dr. Peter Breggin. A Harvard-trained psychiatrist (when a Harvard education still meant something exceptional) that began to look at some of the horror stories surrounding his field. The field of lobotomies and the developing field of psychosurgery were stopped by the efforts of this one man. He was also instrumental in uncovering the involvement of the CIA in funding brain implants surgeries - all without informed consent. This was in the 1960-70’s. He withstood withering attacks from his colleagues because he had all the receipts on what had happened and dug into the funding by federal agencies. He valued the dignity and ethical treatment of people before his standing in his profession. Mastery of a field (with or without academic training) will eviscerate the bloviations of EXPERTS.
The development of the EXPERT as the arbiter of truth has set up a dynamic that places people in a position of WHO DO YOU TRUST? This is the sole purpose of the rise of scientism in the modern world. TRUST THE SCIENCETM is nothing more than an appeal to the EXPERT to convince you to go against your best interests. Scientism is the method by which the EXPERT is allowed to promulgate belief instead of empirical best practices.
The growth of government funded SCIENCETM has allowed for the control of scientific/technical development and for the cultivation of “talent” and EXPERTS that are willing and capable of toeing-the-line on the current narrative. When I mentioned that scientific development came to a dead-stop in the 1970’s, I was not being hyperbolic. Economic growth started to stall out in the Western world, as the banking and energy groups began to tighten up the controls that they had in place. The expansion of carbon fuels was greatly curtailed and the expansion of the money supply & derivatives was greatly expanded. The Oil Shock of the 1970’s marked the most significant shift in the de-dollarization of the world and the continuation of the pyramid scheme that was started when the US went off the gold standard under Nixon. Now that we are running into the hard limits of not growing our energy base (artificially limited - there are several technologies that can be deployed) and leveraging our finances, something has to give. It seems that our presumed owners want us to give them our lives and if we don’t do it willingly, then plans are in place to get it done.
The EXPERTS are being used to corral the population into mind-ghettos. The maximal and most effective method for maintaining people in mind-ghettos is the use of the public health and medical EXPERTS. This is the Psy-Op that has been developed - fear of disease and fear of being left out of the group. This leads to divergent views on reality and mental dissonance. A perfect mix for control and manipulation; don’t ask what happened to your pension plan, where the money went and why you can’t afford to eat.
This level of manipulation is essential in order for the Owners of The World to keep power and stay hidden. Fortunately, there is a growing realization that this does not have to happen.
On The Verge of Change
The Psy-Op, played at the global level, has a limited shelf life. By deploying the EXPERTS in such a blatantly corrupt manner, it has exposed the fault lines in the academic/industrial/military complexes. The reliance on the assumed authority of the EXPERT to corral the population and gaslight them into an early grave or into the new system is not working as smoothly as the Owners of The World would like it to work. In the process of using those EXPERTS, they have taken away an important pillar of control. Individual people are starting to look for answers that make sense to them and trying to identify competent and ethical individuals that are Masters of their craft, not EXPERTS in the corrupt system. At the same time, individuals are becoming aware that they need to become Masters in certain fields.
The EXPERTS are not viewed as trustworthy. An excellent case example is the recent publication by Dr. Pierre Kory and Mary Beth Pfeiffer in Newsweek:
Why Are Death and Disability Rising Among Young Americans? | Opinion
Both Kory and Pfeiffer were early critics of the CV19 agenda. Now that the death and disability numbers cannot be hidden for much longer, there are some members of the management class of the Owners of The World that are seeing the writing on the wall (how else would an Opinion article appear in Newsweek?). What could not be mentioned openly (mRNA shots kill), is now being floated as an option to consider.
The involvement of the DoD (particular elements) in running the kill-shot campaign HAVE to be addressed head on. Major General Smedley Butler (USMC) is one of the highest ranking officers to bluntly state what he witnessed as part of the control that the Owners of the World have over the US military: War is A Racket. The DoD is used as enforcer, infrastructure, financier and patsy to carry out the plans that we are seeing implemented.
But fractures are forming, ideas are coming out and real information will be released. It will take decades to unplug, pull out and reveal the levels of corruption that have been part of the system we live in now. Building something new, to take its place, will require us to be active and wary participants to ensure that we make a better world. This will take decades.
The encouraging reality is that we have at our fingertips several ways to become a more free and transparent society. Energy and information will catapult a Real Industrial Transformation, once the genie ditches the debt-based monetary bottle. You just need to stop listening to the EXPERTS and work with the Masters that are creating the new reality.
Until next time.
Tell a friend!