Post 11: Time to Educate your Legislators, Senators, Elected and Public Officials - Help them Become Accountable to Their Oaths
The complexity and evil that is the current "Public Health Emergency" requires awareness and understanding. Begin the process of educating those that are there to work in your interest.
The letter I am presenting is an attempt to distil and simplify the staggering, factual, divine and compendial work of Katherine Watt (Bailiwick News) and Sasha Latypova (Due Diligence and Art) that can be shared with elected and public officials. This letter is presented to BEGIN the process of educating our public servants. It is 4-pages long. I placed, what I thought, were the relevant bits to begin the process that have been written by Katherine and Sasha. Hopefully, I am doing justice to their work and contributors.
With the letter, I hope that we can begin identifying those public servants that can be brought in to work for our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as inalienable rights. At the same time, the letter can be used to identify officials that are unwilling, unable or that may be compromised or bought into the narrative.
Form Letter - Begin Here
The declaration by the World Health Organization (WHO) of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020, and the subsequent characterization of COVID-19 as pandemic on 11 March 2020, resulted in the President of the United States of America declaring an emergency for all states, tribes, territories, and the District of Columbia pursuant to section 501 (b) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5121-5207 (the “Stafford Act”) on 13 March 2021.
This enactment has, since that time, transferred the Executive authority to end the public health emergency (PHE) to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Secretaries have renewed the PHE declaration and maintained power afforded to the HHS continuously. All states, tribes, territories, and the District of Columbia are currently under this PHE and several provisions and enactments under 42 U.S.C. This declaration, for all intents and purposes, has suspended the regulatory, consumer safety mechanisms and the constitutional checks and balances, ceding power to the Department of Defense and the department of Health and Human Services.
The issue of the factual existence or source of SARs-Cov-2 origin (escaped from a lab in China/created with the full knowledge by programs within NIAIDS and American universities or was the result of a natural zoonotic transmissions to humans) is irrelevant to this letter:
Something made people sick starting in late 2019 and early 2020. The illnesses/hospital deaths reported in China and Italy initially were the impetus for imposing “two weeks to slow the spread”.
The U.S. federal government and media outlets, under funding by the U.S. federal government, promoted social isolation, economic dependency, testing, masking and the development of vaccines (using novel and not-fully tested technology [mRNA/lipid nanoparticles; viral delivery vector]) as the sole method of stopping infection, transmission, death or severe disease, and blocked every other possible mitigation, prevention and treatment strategy.
The declarations of U.S. federal governments officials and media outlets (with regard to the safety and efficacy of the injections and hospital protocols to treat the COVID symptoms) have proven to be false and have caused loss of life, liberty and property. Since the imposition and coercion of the vaccination program people have continued to get sick and die, even after complying with the recommendations and ‘mandates,’.
Since the rollout of the Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and Astra Zeneca injectables, people are sick and dying from blood clots, heart attacks, immune system dysregulations, neurological injuries and an increase in rapid onset cancers. On top of these horrors, birth rates are dropping and are provably linked to the injectables deployed.
The U.S. federal government, as well as many state governments, and national media outlets are pretending that the unprecedented incidence in morbidity and mortality are not happening, and continuing to fund and push the same policies, programs and products that are causing deaths and disabilities.
The following statements and materials presented here are factual, legally defensible and referenced by court documents, government contract, news articles and peer-reviewed scientific publications.
Agents/terrorist within the US Government are making war on their own people covertly, through the conversion of the chemical and biological warfare program into the public health emergency medical countermeasures program, and are working in collaboration with non-governmental organizations/institutions and other national governments around the world, to kill, injure and terrorize citizens globally. For a legal reference on the interlocking sets of laws and regulations, please refer to the 2022.02.26-legal-walls-of-the-covid19-kill-box PDF.
The purpose, as much as I (and others) can surmise, is a conspiracy to depose as many national, sovereign governments as possible, as quickly and with as much plausible deniability, in order to install a global government (or an equivalent trans-national or multi-lateral agreement), presented as a solution to the civil, political, financial and economic chaos and dysfunctionality they are bringing into being via supply chain disruptions, economic dislocation and food supply destruction.
Identifying the Means, Methods and Players
The recent filings of Brook Jackson (Case 1:21-cv-00008-MJT Document 2 Filed 01/08/21; IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS BEAUMONT DIVISION, here) have been exceptionally revealing about the facts of the mRNA/lipid nanoparticle injectables.
Brook Jackson witnessed many irregularities at Ventavia that should have resulted in the suspension of the clinical trial at her site. Jackson reported her observations first to Ventavia, Pfizer and FDA in Sept. 2020, and then — after she got fired — reported the information to DOJ in or before December 2020.
In a qui tam case, the whistleblower — called the “Relator” — provides the evidence, but the DOJ is the primary litigant against the defendants, in this case Ventavia, Pfizer and ICON, because the government is (traditionally) the party being defrauded. The evidentiary basis was not in question, as all documents were not contested by the DOJ, Prizer, ICON and Ventavia.
In January 2022, almost two years after filing the case, the DOJ finally notified the federal judge that the US Government had no interest in pursuing the case against any of the defendants further.
Jackson refiled the case on Feb. 22, 2022, this time as a private citizen. Pfizer filed a Motion to Dismiss on April 22, 2022, arguing that no fraud occurred and no fraud could ever have occurred, because:
The DOJ had the information in hand for two years and declined to pursue the case.
This does not account for corrupt or compromised individuals within DOJ that may be aiding and abetting a crime.
The Government was aware for the last two years of the complaint and has not withdrawn authorization or stopped payment to Pfizer.
See 1.a.
Under the Other Transactional Authority (OTA; 10 USC 2371b, renumbered 10 USC 4022 effective 01/01/2022) legalized the Department of Defense to contract with pharmaceutical corporations to produce bioweapons, in violation of federal and international laws prohibiting same.
10 USC 4022(a)(1) - “[T]he Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Secretary of a military department, or any other official designated by the Secretary of Defense may, under the authority of section 4021 of this title, carry out prototype projects that are directly relevant to enhancing the mission effectiveness of military personnel and the supporting platforms, systems, components, or materials proposed to be acquired or developed by the Department of Defense, or to improvement of platforms, systems, components, or materials in use by the armed forces.”
The DOD Department of the Army (U.S. Contracting Command – New Jersey) contracted Pfizer (and all vaccine manufacturers) not for vaccine manufacture, but for a “COVID-19 Pandemic – Large Scale Vaccine Manufacturing Demonstration” (OTA W15QKN-16-9-1002, 20 July 2020).
These contracts are for prototype projects.
None of the US Government DOD contracts for the COVID19 vaccines ever required valid clinical trials or evidence of safety or efficacy as a condition for payment.
Contracts were issued under an Other Transactional Authority procurement regulation.
There is no requirement for good clinical practice (GCP), good manufacturing practice (GMP) or regulatory oversight for production, manufacturing and distribution under an OTA.
BARDA, DoD and the National Security Council Control the “COVID-19 Vaccine Program”
Sasha Latypova is a former pharmaceutical and medical device developer and regulatory expert. She has over 20 years of experience in development, validation, regulatory acceptance and commercialization of new clinical technologies.
Mrs. Latypova began investigating the many deficiencies in manufacturing and quality control she was observing with all the contracted pharmaceutical manufacturers for the COVID19 “vaccine”. Her biggest concern was the mounting evidence of severe adverse events (life-threatening and death) being reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS; a CDC post-market pharmaco-surveillance system) which was reporting more deaths and injuries in the past year than had ever been reported in the last 30 years to VAERS.
Her presentation (link here: Lakaruppropet Conference (Stockholm, January 21, 2023) is 25 minutes in length and describes her alarming discoveries.
21 USC 360bbb-3(k) use of EUA-covered medical countermeasures (MCM) products, once designated as such by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (March 10, 2020, retroactive to February 2020) “shall not be considered to constitute a clinical investigation.”
Medical countermeasures (MCM) are NOT regulated as pharmaceutical products.
While a PHE is declared, MCM products are legally allowed to be deployed without regulation.
FDA regulators have no legal authority to pull the MCM from distribution and use.
The DoD (along with the National Security Agency and BARDA) act as the Chief Operations Officer for the MCM deployment. (P. 11 of VRBPAC-10.22.20-Meeting-Presentation-COVID19-Vaccine-Development-Portfolio)
All the manufactured MCMs are described as manufacturing demonstrations (Mfg.Demo) in official presentations (P. 16 of VRBPAC-10.22.20-Meeting-Presentation-COVID19-Vaccine-Development-Portfolio)
Furthermore, the FDA was used as part of a marketing campaign to induce American citizens to take up the MCMs. Information on the tissue distribution and pre-clinical animal safety was withheld from the public and was only released after the Siri and Young law firm sued the FDA for release of the documents.
Four facts became more widely understood among the community of people trying to understand the biotechnology, risks and benefits of the products marketed as ‘Covid-19 vaccines.’
The inflammatory lipid nanoparticles and their payloads collect in the ovaries and other key organs, are not rapidly cleared from the human body and are toxic.
Pfizer scientists knew this before seeking EUA approval from the FDA through the 11/20/2020 EUA application.
FDA scientists led by Marion Gruber knew this when authorizing the product for emergency use on 12/11/2020.
Pfizer, FDA and Gruber withheld this information from the public and knowingly lied each time they described the products as “safe and effective.”
Based on evidence presented, US Government officials have committed mass murder using bioweapons developed by US Government. Therefore, one of two conditions are presently existent:
Mass murder using bioweapons is the official policy of the US Government, and officials carrying it out are fully authorized to do so.
Mass murder using bioweapons is prohibited under US law, and US Government officials carrying it out are rogue elements who can and should be removed from power, charged, tried and punished.
I don’t offer the links or documents to you (legislator, judge, sheriff, government or public official) to resign yourself to being manipulated by agents within the US Government and become these agents’ victims, but to provide information for effective decision making. It will be up to you to decide if you are duty bound by your Oath of Office and/or your conscience to act on these facts.
I require to hear back from you on your opinion and thoughts in the matters related in this letter and what you will do (or not do) in aiding me to resolve this ongoing crisis
Very Respectfully,
Phone number
Human law is law only in virtue of its accordance with right reason: and thus it is manifest that it flows from the eternal law.
And in so far as it deviates from right reason, it is called an unjust law; in such case it is not law at all, but rather a species of violence.
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, I-II, Q. 93, Art. 3, ad. 2, cited in Rerum Novarum/On the Condition of the Working Classes, Pope Leo XIII, 1891, footnote 37.
Final Notes
When you send a copy to whomever, please remember to have grace in your heart and compassion for those that might be seeing this information for the first time. For those that can remember the shock, despair and anger when encountering the reality we all are living with now, that may be the state the new reader will need to confront.
Your job, for now, is not to force feed information, but to plant seeds and tend the garden. Seeds only grow and mature in fertile soil that is ready to accept the growth. Be prepared to answer questions and accept the anger and resentment that may come your way. You are now the guide for those that take the first step in the path you are now walking on.
Final parting words - feel free to edit the style of the letter to fit your audience. I used the work of Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova (almost verbatim) from previous posts that they wrote. I edited their work and summarized as best I could.
If you see obvious mistakes or areas that could use clearer language or better examples and references, go ahead and make them. Just send me a note so that I can update the letter and improve on the draft.
Until next time.